Welcome to Bolt Head Airfield – home to The Bolt Head Aero Club

The airfield is now fully open and all visitors are very welcome

If you’d like to fly in, please read the Pilot Briefing Page very carefully

Bolt Head Airfield is an unmanned “Farm Strip’, 600m x 24m grass bordered by crops both sides. The runway is in good condition but previous experience of farm strip flying is recommended.

The Airfield is operated by Bolt Head Aero Club, being the locally based pilots, on behalf of the Landowners, Squire Bros.

Current opening times are 8am to 7pm (local) and be aware that WE HAVE NO FUEL.

Visiting pilots are welcome, but PPR is mandatory for all flights and is Online only.

Click here for the pilot briefing/PPR information

We look forward to welcoming you to Bolt Head.